News · Dec 9, 2021

DetailsPro and MapKit: A Match Made in Design Heaven

Add live maps to your designs with our latest update.

When you design with SwiftUI directly, you design with the smarts that are built into iOS. Something we’ve wanted to do from the beginning was enable designing with real Apple Maps MapKit views directly inside DetailsPro. With our latest update, this is finally possible!

This feature requires the upgraded version of DetailsPro. If you haven’t upgraded yet, this is a great time to do so!

Add pins to your maps with Apple Maps Search.

DetailsPro’s support for designing with Apple Maps is extensive—there’s support for Dark Mode, adding pins to the maps, finely adjusting the map’s frame in your design, and searching for places to quickly and easily center the map on your point of interest!

Maps display beautifully in native Dark Mode.

Download the latest DetailsPro update and upgrade to design with Maps.