
Part 2 — Hello, Modifiers!

This SwiftUI template can be downloaded and opened in DetailsPro on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Open in DetailsPro

Okay! So you’ve taken a look at Part 1, you’re ready for more, you’re ready to see what all this SwiftUI fuss is about… well, let us officially welcome you to the party. SwiftUI is really going to change (or should we say “modify”) your life.

Say hello to “modifiers”. “Modifier” is SwiftUI’s word for the things that change your fonts, colors, sizes, paddings, and so on. Your beautiful designs are going to be *filled* with modifiers. You’re going to be changing the font of this, giving padding to that, and using SwiftUI modifiers all over the place to make your designs look perfect.

This sample is a simple one that just takes the file from Part 1 and adds modifiers to the elements to make them look a little more exciting.

The best thing about modifiers—this is how SwiftUI apps actually work, so if you can design it in DetailsPro, then you can put it into a real app. You don’t have to worry about how it will translate to code or anything like that because you’ll already be using the real deal. So enjoy! One day, you’ll be the king, the queen, the overlord of SwiftUI modifiers and you’ll know them all like the back of your hand. Today, let’s just say hello to a couple.